Sexy B East

Poles in UK ‘cool’ as gritty drama series hits Europe

As the first wave of Eastie immigrants to the UK after EU accession, the poor Poles were the butt of jokes in London, caricatured as mustachioed plumbers and cheap sluts in polyester tights looking for English gentlemen in all the wrong places. But, like the Indians or the Jamaicans or other waves of immigrants to the UK and America, the tide is turning finally in their favor. A sophisticated drama series, Londynczycy (Londoners) about the trials and tribulations of Poles seeking their fortune in the UK hit Poland’s TPV1—the country’s answer to the BBC—in late October, and has already generated quite some buzz in London, with write-ups in the Guardian, the Times and other mainstream media outlets. In the UK, the soap has naturally been dubbed the ‘Easternenders’. As England slides into recession, there’s more sympathy for those who left everything behind seeking a better life elsewhere. There’s also fear that the Poles might leave a sinking ship, and head back to Warsaw, whose economy is on the upswing, compared to that of the UK.
Don’t say we didn’t call it first, back in 2004. B.East. As the West declines, the East becomes glamorous and full of possibilities. Yeah.

Check out a YouTube video of the show below. The older girl is telling the younger that ‘Polish girls are “in” and they’ll have no problem finding a rich English gentleman.’ Ha

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