
BEast Lounge Hits Manhattan’s Chinatown

BEast, B.East, Be East seems to be in the air these days. Our guess is that it’s the financial meltdown that has given the East an added impetus. With the West tethering on the abyss, those on the decks of its Titanic are battering down the hatches, while on the lookout for a lifeboat from the recession. The savvy ones are looking East through their portholes, to Malaysia, China, Indonesia, Dubai and elsewhere, whose economies are still relatively unscathed compared to the USA & the UK.

Well, for those stuck in Manhattan over the holidays, and pining for the East, there’s always the BEast lounge, with its tomato martinis with curried green-tomato garnish to chase away the blues.

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2 Responses to “BEast Lounge Hits Manhattan’s Chinatown”

  1. Tim Reynolds Says:

    Nice post. Thank you for the info. Keep it up.

  2. Alesse Says:


    BEast B.East Be East seems to be in the air these days. Our guess is that it’s […]…