B East Issues

No.1 Fall of Fun

Why the West has lost its mojo after the fall of Communism.

B EAST Publisher Vijai Maheshwari, who spent five years in high-octane Moscow before living in Berlin & Amsterdam, explains why he moved back to the East after giving c Old Europe a hard-core try.


One Day in the life of Ivana Dennisovitcha

A hard-core fashion feature by Cellina Von Mannstein, a former Terry Richardson assistant, who has also been published in i-D, Zoo & Rolling Stone.

Super & Hyper

The New Europe’s Supermarket Culture. Jonathan Terra links the growth of Tescos, Carrefour and other hymarkets in the region to under-the-counter pop culture.

Surrealism in the New Europe

If photographer Martin Parr was let loose in the east, they would call him Martin Kollar.

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